Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Interesting distro!

Whilst looking for a suitable distro to install on my wife's EeePC 701, I came across Crunchbang. Not a distro I have looked at before but I was very impressed. Minimalistic, yet really useable. Some minimal distros are simply too cut down and make your life a misery, yet CB contains most of the stuff you need to run a modern compter system, but with a lean mean Openbox front.

Had trouble getting it to run from a USB key (and even from a DVD) on my laptop (ended up fiddling for hours!) but on the EeePC - once I realised it would just install once I corrected a Debian bug with the installer - it installed beautifully onto an SD card, leaving the original Xandros OS installed on the SSD (the wife likes the speed of that).

Will doubtless be reporting more on this distro later

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