Tuesday, July 01, 2014

No-Ip and Microsoft

SO Microsoft flexed their muscle (i.e cash and power) to get 22 No-IP domains removed from the web - including the one I was using (no-ip.biz).

MS claim that bad people were using these no-IP domains in connection with malware.

Well Microsoft, in case you haven't noticed, these malwares, naughty though they may well be, presumably only run on Microsoft OS enabled computers. So it could be argued that you yourselves are permitting malware and perhaps the flaws in Windows are what should be addressed rather than removing legitimate websites (mine is simply a database of a specific surname) from the internet.

I do not use MS operating systems, so I don't have any problem with malware. Perhaps, if you are using their operating system, you may wish to consider something better, such as the Apple systems, Linux or a BSD?

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