Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Damn You once again Google!

Google has finally forced their new "Compose" version onto their users - just like when they stuffed us with this new look Gmail.

Until recently, as they do with all their changes, this was able to be reverted to the older version via the Settings or Options or whatever link.

Now the new Compose has been foisted on me - and frankly, just like the changes to Blogger or many other Google things, I don't like it.

Not only is it annoying to be forced to change whether I like it or not, but it will also mean that many "Techies" - including myself - will get calls from Mothers/Grannies/non computer litereate folks/ demanding help because..."Google/Gmail is broken!" or "My computer has a virus because Gmail looks wrong..."

If it wasn't for the fact that I can easily get my Gmail from anywhere and any randon connection, it would be gone from my life.

Totally annoying.

Update:  17th August and my mother has been on the phone confused about the changes to her Gmail....

Thanks Gmail.....

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