Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Genealogy and parish registers

One of my little hobbies is genealogy - tracing my ancestors.
A while back, the parish registers for many Cornish parishes became available online at the Familysearch website - which was brilliant, especially for those with ancestors down here. Then without warning, these registers were removed from the website. After waiting a while to see if this was just a technical glitch, I emailed the site to see what was happening and was surprised to be told that apparently an individual had complained about the registers being available on the site.

Now, as these were free of charge to view, I can only surmise that the complainant was someone with a vested (i.e commercial) interest in preventing us from seeing these registers.
I presume the Familysearch won't provide the details of the complainant, so if that person would like to contact me and explain their reasoning, I would be most interested. However I doubt they will - they are going to simply sit smugly and continue to presumably raise a small income from selling these registers on cd or whatever. Those of us in the genealogy community know who sells various products and one of those people is presumably the person responsible for this free service being removed.
Well, whoever it was, I did used to actually purchase cds as well as finding stuff for free (sometimes it is just easier to locate an ancestor via a searchable cd than struggling through the dreadful handwriting and faded pages of a register) - but I will no longer purchase a cd.
Not only that, but those registers I have already downloaded will be transcribed and placed online for free access - so you will not win.

Sorry for the rant - but this has really annoyed me.

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