Monday, February 09, 2015

Useful little add on

Owing to circumstances beyond my control (the death of my laptop), I am back to using my old desktop. No real issue - I have been using this machine for years without any real problems.
Of course, I have never upgraded Firefox on here (or on my old laptop to be honest) and Gmail (and FamilySearch too as it happens) complain about the browser being old and not compatible. Bull - of course it is compatible, just that you lot don't like folks using older stuff.

On the laptop. I had managed to block the message in Forefox, but forgot how I did it. So, when the error appeared in FamilySearch recently, I had no idea that I could soon block that too!

So this is the answer to those - and probably many other irritating "elements" which get added to webpages to try to make you upgrade stuff.

Firstly, you need AdBlock Plus - but frankly, if you are not using that to stop advers cramming onto your screen ,you shouldn't be using a computer!

The added goodie is something called Element Hiding Helper for AdBlock Plus, and can be downloaded from -

Once installed, simply open ABP and you should have a new option called "Select Element to Hide". Do as it says - select the irritating message or whatever and hide it. Note that it may take a few seconds - don't get impatient!
 Once it has been hidden you are free!

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