Well, finally got around to sorting the machine out. Not too much of a problem, but time consuming. Still, at least no data was lost - apart from the graphics driver and a couple of lesser driver problems. The annoying thing was that most of the drivers *were* there - just that Windows couldn't see them. A quick point in the correct direction and hey! Windows can find them again! I guess thats the pleasure of the Windows Registry - if it isn't listed in there, it cannot exist! Totally bizarre. And people ask why I use Linux!
Nasa TV is proving interesting again with the latest shuttle mission being streamed live. Sadly the two options to view it are Microsoft media or Real Player. Flip a coin to decide which is the least evil ;) To be fair to Real Player - their stream is miles better here than the MS one - Microsofts offering is really blocky and poor quality; Real is quite acceptable. My poor DSL speed makes this sort of thing quite important! As I refuse to install Real Player on my system, I have been watching via my wifes laptop ;) No way Real Player is going on my machines! Perhaps they have cleaned up their act a bit since the old days when I was hassled by RP constantly wanting to phone home or asking me to pay for upgrades - but I don't forget that sort of thing!
Health report - well, a bit better currently. Less problems with the breathing, although it isn't perfect. According to my GP, my right foot got 0/10 in the Podiatrists report for sensitivity! That is something they check each year because of the diabetes issue I have - but I cannot honestly say that I have noticed anything - maybe they forgot the 1 in front of the 0 ;)
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