Sunday, August 12, 2012

Damn you IE9!

Just when you thought it was safe to use CSS, IE9 decides to somehow cock it up again....

Anyone who has looked at the source code for the St Enonder OPC website will notice that, to get some little "flyout" menus, I have used CSS rather than javascript. To enable the CSS to work with older versions of IE, you need t oadd a bit of code which detects IE browsers and serves up a static version of the page - doesn't look as nice, but that is what happens if you use a non-standards compliant browser I guess. At least I coded in a bodge for those using IE....

Anyway, I have now had two different people report that neither the flyouts nor the static bodge work in IE9.

So I am going to have to find a laptop with IE9 and see what is going on there....

Will let you know how it goes!

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