Well, more thunderstorm with quite a lot of lightning.
After the storm, all my computers and gadgets were fine - except the EeePC I use as my weather station data collecting/ftp to server box. That, I spotted after a while, was down. No obvious reason, so went through the checks and it appeared that the power supply had been knocked out. As I have several of these machines around, I grabbed another power supply and plugged the EeePC into that. Success!
Of course, I then had to wait whilst Debian ran through all the fsck checks as the machine hadn't been shut down correctly. Tedious, but at least nothing gets lost (usually!). Then I had to restart all the various things which run on it, plus change permissions on the USB port where my serial to USB adapter plugs in to interface with the weather station console.....
Odd that only that one power supply went bang. It was a cheapo replacement for the original EeePC supply which was chewed by our old cat. Guess there is the problem - lower spec parts?
Anyway, almost a year of uptime ruined by the lightning. But at least it shows the stability of Debian in this kind of environment.