Yes, click elsewhere now if you don't wish to read my latest 4G rant!
Having complained to Ofcom and received a pretty poor reply, I went over the head of that lot to the Culture Secretary, Maria Miller.
Of course, I had to contact her via the Department for Culture, Media and Sport website, so I suspect my rant will be filtered out by some oik, but at least I passed my views on.
As you may know, there was a meeting on Tuesday between the various outfits involved in mobile rollout of 4G. They have agreed to get on with things without attempting pathetic blocking etc.
What they haven't done of course is agreed to roll out 4G to those who actually need it.
There was an article on the Beeb earlier - from their "technology correspondent". I have dropped the BBC an email about the article, inviting Rory to contact me or even come down to deepest, darkest Kernow to see what we have to suffer - despite being involved in the 4G trial.
I look forward to the reply - although I imagine I shall be ignored by both the BBC and the Culture Secretary....