Well, coming up to the final dose which will be on Wednesday.
As previously mentioned, there should be less problems with my type of chemo as it is not IV.
I wouldn't say it is side effect free though....
The first couple of weeks I was OK - although I did start to get a bit itchy here and there on and off. But as time has gone on, I have noticed a definite pattern to the problems. For a couple of days, no real problems, but as I get to the mid-point between treatments, I can notice a tiredness creeping in as well as the itching which seems to happen anywhere. Not dramatic, but persistant and of course at night it is a real nuisance.
In the last couple of treatments I have also started getting some nausea. Nothing terrible, but a slightly queasy feeling which occasionally gets a bit worse - but nothing more than that.
Each treatment seems to increase the effects - so I am pleased that this Wednesday is the last one!
Hopefully the chemo will have the desired effect on the stupid recurring tumours!